Friday, December 30, 2005

My Latest obsession
I began with a pomegranate Sparkling Juice. Sweet, but not too. All natural. Delicious. I was hooked. Next came Clementine. And then Sparkling Pear. Oooooohhhhhhhh, the sparkling pear. Then I made a trip to Jungle Jims (gigantic, find-everything-you-could-possibly-want-or-desire grocery store) and returned with the blueberry, blackberry and my favorite so far, grapefruit. Pure bubbly delight. There's just something about it when it hits your lips. An izze. Wherever you are, find one (try your coffee shops) and on New Year's Day, pop the top, tip it back, and taste the joy. And remember to send your toasty well wishes toward this old addict.